Immediately following each service, you will have an opportunity to connect with someone from our Making Hope Home team. Step 1 is a short meeting to help you get connected, ask questions, and learn more about Step 2. Stick around after service, we would love to meet you!

Step 2 is a once a month gathering for people who want to take a closer look at what we believe, why we believe it, and how to get involved. This is a great environment to get to know people, ask questions, and hear more about the vision and values of Hope Bible Chapel. During Step 2 we talk practically about following Jesus, living in community (small groups), and how to begin contributing (serving) to the mission if you would so desire! Click the link below to register!

After attending Step 1 and Step 2, you should have a pretty good feel for what Hope Bible Chapel is all about! Step 3 is making a formal commitment to membership. If you believe God is calling you to “Make Hope Home”, we would love for you to become a member!